How Reliable is AI for Home Security?

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How Reliable is AI for Home Security?

  • 08 Feb 2021
  • Posted By S K Weldedmesh

“Hey Google, lock the door,” you said… But did Google really lock the door? How comfortable would you be in going to sleep without first manually checking if indeed Google did its job and locked the door?

AI technology remains a nice-to-use option for the majority of people. This is especially true in the home security market where many are still satisfied with the traditional locks and safety measures. This isn’t to say Artificial Intelligence hasn’t had any significant penetration in this market. IoT-based home security system is popular. And AI in the home security market will continue getting bigger in the coming years; especially once the 5G technology is widely embraced. It’s inevitable!

In that, a common question that thematically recurs is how reliable AI is for home security. While there has been no wide-scale study done on this – perhaps there’s no need for this really – application of artificial intelligence in home security is as reliable as a calculator calculating 2 + 2. If the calculator has a battery – and if you input the right numbers – it will show you the right results. Similarly, experts believe AI is just as accurate and reliable if the data is fed to it is correct. In the home security land, another layer of requirement is the quality and integrity of the smart lock, or any other home security systems, that you’re integrating AI with.

Picking the “Right” Device


The market is filled with AI-powered home security devices, from locks to alarms. A smart lock, coming from a top brand with high-end features, will definitely perform much better and more efficiently as opposed to a cheaper alternative. If it fails at its utility, it isn’t necessarily AI that has failed but the IoT home security device that failed to do its job. So, while you may command Google Assistant or Alexa – or even use an app on your phone – to lock the door, if the hardware isn’t performing well, the command will fail. This is why the most important thing to do here is to invest in smart home security devices, from renowned brands or manufacturers that care about quality just as much as you do.

How it Looks ‘Tomorrow’?


As we move forward, more home security devices will come under the IoT ecosystem. To that, machine learning will play an equally big role, which will result in AI taking necessary actions without any input from your end, simply based on your patterns and behaviors. For instance, if you ask your AI assistance to lock the door every night, the device may pick up this pattern and lock your door automatically at night without your command. This feature is already prevalent in AI-based smart home locks.

The “Real” Concern


In the coming years, the risks and concerns won’t come from how reliable AI technology is for home security – because it very much is… The risks would come from cyber threats. How these smart home security devices manage to thwart cyber risks is to be seen. Because while they are indeed getting more robust, advanced, and efficient – the sophistication of cyberattacks is growing as well. But that’s a whole different conversation altogether.

For now, AI is very reliable in home security. Millions of people around the world are tapping on this technology to better secure their homes.

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